Submission Guidelines

Articles submitted to ASFA should be in form of essay which includes:

  • Maximum length of article is 4000-8000 words include bibliography, table, graphic
  • Title (Maximum length 15-20 words),
  • Abstract (150-200 words for each) which includes:
    - research problems
    - Methods
    - results
    - Keywords (4-7 words)
  • Abstract should be written in English and Bahasa or Arabic and Bahasa.

Authorship Guidelines
The editor of ASFA welcomes article submissions in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • The article has not been published, accepted for publication, or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Attach a written statement explaining that the article is original and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
  • Articles must be submitted in a soft file with document format (.doc, .rtf or .docx) and accordanced with the article format to the Online Submission page.
  • Types of articles that are eligible for publication include: research reports (field or archives), conceptual ideas, studies, or theoretical applications.
  • Articles are written in English, Arabic, or Bahasa using academic language with standard structure and composition of academic writing.
  • The title consists between 15-20 words depending on the language used in the manuscript. Under the title is written the author's name, the author's institution and the author's email address.
  • Bahasa and English manuscripts are typed with Times New Roman font size 12, spaced 1.5 and Arabic manuscript is typed with Traditional Arabic font size 16, spaced 1 in quarto paper size (A4). Manuscript length is between 4000-8000 words including references, pictures, and tables. Papers that greatly exceed this will be critically reviewed with respect to length.
  • Correct Diacritics and Spelling of Names
    • Articles must know special symbols (for example, phonetics). Writers must know the spelling of their own names, especially in the case of personal names, newspapers, offices, and language organizations. They should be written with the original spelling even though it may be outdated now, for example: Soekarno, Soegondo. Meanwhile, each geographic name must be written in their modern spelling.
  • Date and Number
    • The date in the text is written 17 August 1945; the date in footnotes and bibliography is written 17-8-1945. Numbers from one to ten must be spelled out; higher numbers, percentages and measurements should be given as numbers (3 km, 6%).
  • Figures and Tables
    • If your manuscript contains figures or tables, do not include the figures and tables in the manuscript but upload them as separate documents. Number the figures and tables in order and then refer to them in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Indicate in the manuscript where you would like to see the included figures or tables if the manuscript was accepted for publication.
    • Maps are called pictures (their placement in the text is the same as the guidelines for writing pictures). Use high resolution source files for the whole image: for photos min. 150 dpi, for line drawings at least 300 dpi. Please keep in mind that the image itself must also be of high quality (clear and sharp, and any text in the image is legible). Provide captions and image sources in the main text.
  • Reference list format based on the style of APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition. The reference list should appear at the end of the article and include only the literature actually cited in the manuscript. References are arranged alphabetically. We strongly recommend authors to use reference tools, such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, etc. Here are some APA based reference format structures.